Explaining Insurance
Insurance FAQs:
Does Hope and Growth Center accept insurance?
- Yes! Under each counselor's individual profile is a list of which insurances they accept.
Will Hope and Growth Center verify insurance benefits?
- We want to empower our clients to know their insurance policies. We encourage each client to verify with their insurance companies what their mental health benefits are before their first appointment. We can verify which counselors are in-network with each insurance company and what the contracted rate is if the client has a deductible. If the client does not know their insurance benefits at their first appointment, they will be charged the contracted rate until insurance sends us an EOB.
What is the difference between a copay and a deductible?
- A copay is a set amount that an insurance policy has stated that the client will pay towards each session. A copay is usually listed on the insurance card. Most of the time, counseling is considered an office visit.
- A deductible is a set amount of money that an insurance policy has determined that the client will pay until the policy will start paying even a portion, meaning the client will pay the contracted amount each session until the deductible is met. The deductible is usually a larger amount like $3000 for example, and all claims that are submitted by all medical providers to the policy will go towards the deductible for that calendar year. Once a deductible is met, the client will usually pay a percentage, like 20% of services, until the total out-of-pocket max has been met. The deductible amount and coinsurance amount is often listed on the insurance card as well.
Does Hope and Growth Center bill secondary insurance?
- No, we do not but we can provide a superbill at the end of every month that can be submitted to secondary insurance for reimbursement.
What is an EAP?
- An EAP is an Employee Assistance Program that provides a certain amount of free sessions for the client. An EAP is not always connected to the same insurance provider that a client has medical insurance through. It is possible to have Cigna medical insurance and an Aetna EAP, for example.
Does Hope and Growth Center accept EAPs?
- Yes! Under each counselor's individual profile is a list of which EAPs they accept.
What is required to use an EAP?
- Prior to the first session, we will need to have the authorization code, which EAP company it is, how many sessions, and what the date range is that sessions can be used. For certain EAPs, there will be additional paperwork. If we do not have all of the information that is needed for billing, we will submit that session to medical insurance, or charge the self-pay rate if we do not have medical insurance on file. We do not backdate EAPs if the session has already gone through medical insurance.