I was talking with a friend the other day who lives with someone with bipolar.
“I never know which Susan will be waking up each morning,” she said. “Will it be the one who can’t get out of bed, who doesn’t care about her job, her grooming, her friends . . . her anything? Or will it be the Susan who greets me in the kitchen on her fourth cup of coffee, ready to repaint the dining room?” She paused for a moment. And then she quietly said, “I love her so much. But some days . . . it’s just so much.”
Living with someone with bipolar has been described as being on a rollercoaster ride that never ends. Be it your spouse or partner, your parent, your child, your roommate or your friend, loving someone with bipolar can be interesting, erratic, energizing, and impossible, all at the same time.
On Tuesday, March 5th, 6:00 – 8:00 pm, Hope and Growth Center will be hosting a “Bipolar Friends and Family Workshop”. (It’s free, just sign-up by emailing me at tracydunn@hopeandgrowthcenter.com) We will discuss:
- Symptoms and Triggers
- Boundaries and Routine
- Skills and Healthy Habits
- Taking care of YOU
This is my favorite picture of therapy. You and I are often filled with a jumbled mess of thoughts and emotions. We can’t figure out how to help ourselves, let alone that person in our lives who need us most.
Talking with someone helps.
Talking with other people who are going through a similar experience helps.
Whether this workshop is a refresher for you, an opportunity to connect, or simply a safe place to share your story, I hope to see you there. I really believe it helps.
Saving you a seat on the rollercoaster,